How AngelList ensures SLA Adherence with Avenue

How AngelList ensures SLA Adherence with Avenue


Improvement in SLA Adherence

With Avenue, AngelList developed a robust system for enhancing business observability and alert systems, leading to significant improvements in SLA adherence and overall operational efficiency.


AngelList is building the infrastructure that powers the startup economy, providing startups and investors with the connected tools they need to launch and scale a startup or fund—and invest in both.

"Avenue has significantly improved our SLA adherence and ensures data consistency across our systems, saving us time and resources."

Ryan Kelly

Bizops at AngelList


AngelList was looking for a system to help improve their ability to proactively identify and address at-risk SLAs before they were missed.

As a leading software platform for private markets, working with an array of GPs, LPs, and founders, AngelList's workflows include a high volume of legal documents, emails, tasks, and data checks. Ensuring data consistency across systems and timely responses to customer needs is critical for their business operations. 

Ryan Kelly and his team found themselves trying to identify the root cause of missed SLAs and address issues in a reactive manner. The lack of an automated system meant that they spent a significant amount of time monitoring and managing tasks manually, which was both time-consuming and prone to human error.

AngelList was looking for a system that could help them more proactively monitor SLAs, ensure data consistency, and alert teams about potential issues before they escalated.  In order to help with cross-functional collaboration, they were looking for a system that was user-friendly and integrated with Slack, allowing analysts to set up and manage alerts without requiring advanced data science skills or significant engineering resources.

"Avenue makes our ops teams more proactive. We're now able to spot potential risks in advance and take action on data quicker instead of just reacting to it."


AngelList set up an SLA monitoring and data consistency QA system all without engineering.

Avenue provides a comprehensive proactive alerting solution that addresses AngelList’s challenges through several key features. Ryan and his team set up proactive SLA monitoring with triggers that notify teams via Slack if an SLA is at risk of being missed. The team is now able to more effectively address potential issues before they escalate. 

Avenue also automated data consistency checks between front-end and back-end systems, ensuring discrepancies are caught and corrected promptly. It also alerts teams when new customers sign up for subscriptions, allowing immediate engagement and enhancing the customer experience. Additionally, Avenue reminded the sales team to update required fields in Salesforce, ensuring accurate and up-to-date sales data.

By transforming raw data into actionable insights, Avenue lets analysts set up feedback loops and monitor for edge cases that might cause operational issues, saving time and resources downstream. Ryan highlighted Avenue’s ease of use, noting that setting up and managing these alerts did not require advanced data science skills, allowing teams to implement and benefit from Avenue quickly and efficiently without relying on engineering resources.

“I was given a list of 60 operational metrics (SLA’s) and tasked with improving them. First, I needed to know what the metrics were, so I built out the data models and the charts to see how they’re trending. But then you're kind of stuck there. With Avenue, I built alerts that tell our team when something is at risk of breaching SLA.”


AngelList improved SLA adherence 30% with Avenue

The tool provided better visibility into upcoming work and deadlines, enabling more efficient task management. Teams saved significant time, focusing more on critical operational tasks instead of constantly monitoring for issues. Ryan Kelly highlighted Avenue’s ease of use, quick implementation, and the responsiveness of the Avenue team, which ensured continuous product improvements.

AngelList is considering using Avenue Playbooks to ensure SOP compliance for human-in-the-loop tasks triggered by alerts.

Interested in how Avenue can enhance your business observability and alert systems? Explore Avenue today.

"Avenue makes our ops teams proactive. We're now able to take action on data instead of just reacting to it. The ability to quickly implement triggers and alerts without needing extensive engineering resources has been a game-changer for us."




Financial Services


SLA management


Proactive SLA monitoring


30% Improvement in SLA adherence

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