



Case Study

How Jupiter Drives Growth & Product Intuition with Avenue

How Jupiter Drives Growth & Product Intuition with Avenue

May 19, 2022

May 19, 2022

Intro to Jupiter

Jupiter is a social commerce food company founded by a team from Stanford. Jupiter helps food creators from TikTok & Instagram launch their own grocery powered recipe shops to sell directly to their followers nationally (similar to Shopify). Using Jupiter, you can meal-plan directly from your favorite food creator. Jupiter grew to $2.1M revenue in the Bay Area, before expanding to over 200M people in the U.S early this year.

The Data Behind Food

The vision for the team at Jupiter is that in the not-so-distant future, every household's food will be managed by a system that functions like a personal shopper. A part of that experience is integrating food shopping with reading popular food blogs or finding recipes and having the order for all the necessary ingredients at your fingertips.

Chad Munroe, Jupiter Co-Founder & CEO, also runs the Product Team. "We're very data driven. When we deploy anything, we have a lot of metrics set up," he shared. Munroe had set up reporting tools to analyze new features, but realized he needed a more robust, customized system that would bring the predictive elements of Jupiter into the team's own tools and keep pace with the company's growth.

Growth & Product Intuition with Avenue

Setting up Avenue meant getting insights into every edge of the product to the right person at the right time.

"What Avenue solves is very good product intuition, informed by super accessible data."

Munroe says that now he and his team wake up every day to a wide array of meaningful metrics and monitors, from how many users ordered using a new feature to how many unsubscribed. Avenue's alerts and reports inform his team when a feature has been successful and when it needs some additional work. "Avenue also tells us when there are bugs, and we can see if people aren't interacting with a given feature," Munroe explained.

"Avenue is preemptive. You have the metrics you need presented to you instead of having to search for them yourself."

Jupiter's Product Team depends on these alerts to determine exactly which features move the needle and what direction to take the product.

"Avenue sits at our core functions as a company. You go to the doctor and they check your pulse, and they monitor if it's speeding up or slowing down. For us, Avenue is Jupiter's 24/7 pulse-check."

What's Next?

As Jupiter continues to roll out, they are building new ways to become embedded within their user's experience, from the initial phase of finding a recipe to making a meal. Data-driven decision making is guiding that journey. In automating his team's processes, Munroe is maximizing product data and using it to sprint ahead:

"Not having Avenue feels like you're swimming in an ocean with no compass."

Does this sound like your team?

Product, Growth, and Operations teams are often building at the edge of a business. They need to solve for everything that may slip through the cracks, and often do so with sticks and glue stringing together internal dashboards and reports alongside Playbooks in Google Docs or Notion. They are fire-fighters that, instead of focusing on preventing fires, they have to figure out where the fires are coming from while they fight them.

It's a new day for operations teams. Avenue provides all the alerts, monitoring, accountability, analysis, and escalations you need to confidently scale your team's operations, all in one place.

Don't wait! Get started today.

Happy alerting 🚀

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